Sunday, September 30, 2012

How can we communicate with friends?

 Keys for letter K
 We learned patterns and colors with our keys.
 Listening is part of being a friend.  We learned listening and following direction from teacher.
 Memory game.
 911- a way to communicate if there is an emergency.  We also talked about never calling unless we are suppose to.  Please go over this with your child.  Teralyn
 We made phones to communicate with- Jake
 Working together with colors/patterns.

 Lizzy calling her sister on her phone.

 Jennavecia and Amber
 Reagan and Ireland
 Jacob- We learned about body language and how we act with friends can show we are happy, friendly, kind and patient.
 Bridger and Jaxon
 The kids love super hero music and my capes.  (best thing I have ever bought for preschool)  The kids love them.
 Letter K
 Kaitlyn and Kylie
 Brock with my Kitten Kayce.  We talked about Kitten starts with K.  Also my kitten watched the children sing and made sounds to help them know they were trying.
 Our fun K song.  There are 12 words that started with a K Addison helped find them.
 Puzzle time
 We made computers with Alaina

Practicing letters.  Addison and Brock
Patten Great job!

Puzzle time- Andy and Dylan
Hallie and Lizzie
Ava with her computer we made.  We can communicate through computers also.
Brylee- great writing.
Rylon- Excellent work!

Julee and her computer
Nathan taking his time.  Good job!
Garrett- Great work! You children are doing wonderful!  I appreciate all  of the great support!  Next month we will be discovering the trees.

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