Friday, September 14, 2012

Fun with friends!

What a wonderful week Learning the letter "F: and making new friends.  Learning to play, share, and learn together.  Learning manners and respect.  What fun kids our school has.  
5 little speckled frogs  

 Making our special friendship crown
 I loved watching these two share and color together.  (so much fun having cousins in preschool together)
 Look at our crowns we made. Miss Pateresa crowned us all great friends.
 I made a new friend today!
 Ethan took his time coloring
 We sang a song about being a circle of friends.  How we are all special in our own way.
 Fish start with "F" ask your kids about our fun Fish song. 1,2,3,4,5, once I caught a fish alive.  6,7,8,9,10 then I let him go again. "Why did you let him go?"   "Because he bit my finger so." "Which finger did he bite?" "He bit my finger on my right."
 Love these new friends
 Tera had a bday and we had a bday dance for her.
 Peyton and his frogs
 We learned patterns today
 Good job Jake he was really good at patterns.
 Circle of friends!
 Happy Birthday cute girl!
 Working on their letters.  I am so proud of these two they were here last year with me and they are doing great with their letter writing.
 Brylee and her 5 frogs.
 Hallie she is so great at patterns.
 I sooooo love these kids! I have great kids this year. (I do every year how do I get so lucky?)
 Great coloring Carrie
 Miss Hallie and her coloring
 Parker and his frogs
 AMAZING work Garrett!  You are an artist!
 John is working hard on his letters.
 Nathan wanted to color each letter a different color.
 Bday dance for Jennavecia
Every letter makes a sound the "F' says  (what does it say? Ask your kiddos if they remember)
 Good cutting Ethan
 No one likes a frowny face change it to a smile! :)
 a fun dance with scarfs- The kids love movement time.
 The hungry caterpillar!  I love this story and the kids love it too.  Each child helped us with our special story.  From and egg, to a caterpillar to a cocoon to a butterfly.  I reminded the children how each of us are beautiful butterflies in our class.
 Can we bring a mouse to school?  No we can't but we had fun learning about what happens if you bring one to school.
 Brock is 5 YAY!!!!  I sure love this kid!

 Can we help this woman find all of her pieces to her quilt?  They did a great job.

 A frog starts with "F"
 I love that these two became great friends right away. Hallie and Ava
 Fun with scarfs
Presley helping with our story. (sorry it is blurry)

We are enjoying getting to know each other and learning to sit, follow direction and rules.

1 comment:

Shana said...

I love, love this!! :) It is so much fun for me, as a mother to see what they are learning! I love the pictures. You are a great teacher and Presley just LOVES going to school! Thank you for making it so enjoyable for her!! :)


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