Sunday, December 4, 2011

Super Heroes!

 The kids loved the super capes!  We played games and did fun super hero dances with them.
 Super flight
 Super hero transportation

 Military day!  We learned about  REAL heroes.
 Cute little kiddos

 Princess Alexa turned 5
 She brought yummy cookies

 Super sight- We played eye spy games.
 5 little speckled frogs

 Addison with her froggies- 5 little speckled frogs
 Lizzie- I want to fly!  We had pilot day and Pilot Lynn Johnson came to class.  We made a book on things that fly.
 Super heroes and Princesses
 Batman reading our super friend book.
 Thanks Batman (Loren's daddy)  Loren asked me after batman left if that was her mommy's husband! I thought that was so cute she kept trying to figure out who he was. Batman taught us the bat signal.
 Bat girl (Lillian) and Batman
 Wyatt and Batman
 Noah and Batman
 Loren and her daddy Batman
 Whitney and Batman
 Batman and Kaimen
 Spiderman (aka Jaron) and Batman
 Garrett- Wyatt and Lilian 3 amazing bat friends.
 Batman reading us books
 Batman day!
 Batman (AKA Jaxyn) and Batman
 Batman and Brinley
 Dylan- Carlos and Batman
 Allie and Batman
 Batman and Kamry
 Batman (Kincade's daddy) and Kincade
 Batman with t-th class
 Hallie and her daddy Batman
 Brock and Batman
 Savannah and Batman
 Rylon and Batman
 Rylon with his super mask
 Super Julee
 Color sorting and counting
 Matching game
 Color sorting and counting
 Matching game
 Shapes/colors and counting.
 Rhythm sticks (Chewy is trying to figure this out too) :) 
 Rhythm sticks
 Making super capes
 Super capes
 Hunter with his super cape
 The class showing off their super capes.
 Rhythm sticks
 Learning our colors, and shapes

 Fire fighters are real heroes
 Letter U-  The kids had fun learning U.  We even had snack UNDER the table that day.
 Color and counting.
 Super Hunter
 Super Jaxyn and Super Alexa
 Super Sophie , Allie and Emily
 Super Zrayla
 Super Brinley
 If you take a mouse to school
 Rhythm sticks
 little super heroes - We learned we can be heroes in our homes- listen to our parents, help recycle, be kind to our friends and Help when needed.
 Super Wyatt
 Super Easton
Super Whitney!

Thanks so much to all of the Batman's that helped out this month.  Also a special thank you again to Tooele Fire Dept. and to Captain Lynn Johnson.  We appreciate your continual support.

THANKS to all of you who brought your children to our performance on Sat.  Your children amaze me.  I was a very proud teacher.  Thanks so much!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Batman is soo fun! You are an AMAZING teacher!!


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