Sunday, October 16, 2011

Ocean commotion!

The Month of October is Ocean Commotion time!  We are discovering everything under the ocean.  
 Peyton and Whitney-  We practiced with fish doing songs, "One two three four five... once I caught a fish alive"  Ask your little one to sing this to you.
 Wyatt- Peyton and Whitney made a fish aquarium
 Hallie- We also counted with the fish and practiced our colors.
 We went fishing for letters.
 After we caught our fish we separated them into their groups and counted.
 Rylon brought this neat aquarium to share with us for show and tell.
 We made Octopus today!
 Learning shapes
 We played a fish game- Each picture depicted the item IN or OUT and the children had to decide where the IN items go and the OUT items go.

Each child had a turn to help with cards. 
 We made our very own ocean floor.  What is at the bottom of the ocean?  Whitney and Lilly F.
 Noah and Kenzington- Noah loved shaking his ocean.
 Garrett Shepard
 Hope and Sophie
 Each child picked their own items to put into the ocean capsules. Carlos Campos
 Sophie- the little colorful capsules changed into special ocean animals.

Zrayla and Carlos
 With Halloween right around the corner.  We danced to Ghost busters.  The kids love it and want to get the scarves out everyday.
 Oranges start wit O  we had so much fun learning the letter O.
 Alexa with her Octopus-  Did you know that Octopus do not have any bones?  Octopus are invertebrates.

 Ghost busters

 Loren brought oranges for show and tell and Kincade brought us Oreos.  Thanks for sharing!
 Noah Allen
 Easton and Wyatt with their octopus- Octopus have 8 legs or arms whichever you prefer.  (which are actually called Tentacles) They have the sticky tentacles so they are able to hold fish to eat. They also use them to hide and suction to coral.
 Lillian- Lore and Whitney
 Sequencing - We were learning what goes before and after.
 Loren and Kaylee painting their whales
 Lillian Painting her whale
 Easton and Garrett Ask your child if they remember what a Mammal is?  Did you know a Whale and a Dolphin are both Mammals?  Just like us.

 Alexa painting her whale- How do you think a whale breathes?  Whales breathe air like people, but through a hole on the top of their head. it is called a blowhole. All whales have one, some whales even have two.
 Kamry- There are many types o whales in the ocean. Many people think an Orca "Killer whale" Is a whale.  (the kind you see at Sea world)  However they are actually a dolphin.
 Mack painting.  Beluga whales are ass big as cars.  But...that is really small for a whale. Ask your child what color a beluga whale is.  (White)  Also have them sing Baby beluga for you.

 Mack holding his finished whale. Did you know that a blue whale is the largest animal that has ever lived?  They are even larger than a dinosaur.
 Having fun with songs and dances.
 Star fish are fascinating.  We discovered how star fish move, eat and some children did not know they were really alive.  Did you know they are not really a fish though?   they are an echinoderm which is an animal without a backbone.
 These star fish were once living and now have passed.  The children loved holding them and seeing what real starfish look like.
 An Edmond sea star can lose an arm and grow another.
 We discovered that their are all sorts of star fish.
 Kyler and Cash
 Carey-Lizzie-and Addison
 Inside of a star fish.  did you know that Rose Sea star will eat by moving its stomach out of it's mouth.
 Spiny sun star fish move only 20 ft. in 12 hours.  which is actually the fastest star fish.  Most stay dormant or move about 3-10 a day.
 Discovering Star fish.
 Hope made a star fish
 Sophie with her star fish
 Dolphins-  Did you know a group of dolphins is called a pod?
 There are so many exciting Star fish or known as sea stars.
 Star fish have small bristle like suctions to allow them to move and find food.
 The children smelled the starfish-  They still smell like the ocean with a fish smell.

 Sharks- Did you know sharks have the most powerful jaws on the planet?
 Our cute friend Addison brought kids sushi to share. It was so cute I could not pass up telling you all how to make this.  You can see the pic.  you need gummy worms (cut the gummy worms into small pieces)  make rice Crispy bars and mix the gummy worms into them.  next cut and make small circle like shapes and then wrap each bar with a fruit roll up. The kids LOVED them.
 Olivia with her star fish
 Sharks- Did you know a hammerhead shark has an extra wide head so it can see, smell and swim better.
 Shark teeth- this was so neat to see.  Every week a shark will lose an entire set of teeth. and replace them as well.  This is Presley Jackson
 Emily Pittman- brought the shark jaw.  It was so amazing to see the rows and rows of teeth.  This is a small shark jaw.
 Alexa with her shark
 Brinley and Allie Great white sharks have teeth as long as your finger.  SCARY!
 We learned the letter S this was fun we had some really great show and tells today.
" Little shark little shark let me come in "  said the Big bad shark "Not by the skin on my finny fin fin"  said the little fish.
 There is a shark called a Goblin shark.  They live at the very bottom of the ocean.  Only scientists have discovered and seen them.  They swim very slowly.
 Kaylee and Peyton How do you think Jelly fish move?  They use their tentacles in one big motion to make themselves shoot through the water.
Addison helping with shapes. 
 Carey making her ocean

 Hallie- Julee and Cash

 We went fishing
 Presley- We were trying not to catch a shark.  AHHHHHH!
 Did you know sea horse do not have a mouth?  The drink like a straw through their snout.
 Alexa made an aquarium
 Allie-Sophie-Emily and Hope
 Peyton practicing her O's Every week we practice our letter writing so we know where to begin a letter and where to end one.
 Kincade fishing. He doesn't want to catch a shark.
Jareon fishing- if you look behind Kaylee is nervous for him to catch a shark.

The ocean is fascinating.  A beautiful world is under the sea.  Thank you all again for being so supportive.  Big events approaching us are the Halloween carnival on Oct. 27th each class has their own times.  T-Th class- from 9-10 M-W-F class 10-11 and M-T-Th class from 11-12.  I can use as many parent volunteers as possible this day.  Please remember NO siblings to this fun activity.  I ask that each child provide a bag of goodies to share or prizes.  Thanks so much!


The Brindley's said...

I have said it once and I will say it are AMAZING!!!! Seriously I think this ocean week post you just did has more crafts and activities and learning than Channer gets all year :) I loved the sushi idea, gonna have to try it.

Pateresa Johnson said...

You are too sweet Rachel. I actually only take pics. with some of the things we do and make. We make a lot more here than I show. Miss you!


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