Saturday, April 16, 2011

Domino's field trip!

Rori Liddell and her mommy
Serena and Keslee
Miss Cyndie (owner of Domino's) Talked to the children on how important it is to wash and sanitize the dishes.
Seth and Cameron making their pizza
How big can you make your pizza? Miss Cyndie showed us how big she can make a pizza. She told us a lot of information on how many pizzas they sell and how much cheese they use. She makes the field trips so entertaining, interesting and fun!
Learning how to make a pizza
Kincade and Jaron are waiting for their pizza to come out of the huge oven.
the kids loved watching their pizzas baking.
Ellie the chicken girl
Gabe loved tossing his dough.
Gabe the cheese head.
Emily and Aunika putting topping on their pizza
Putting sauce on the pizza is the first thing you do after you make your dough. Miss Cyndie showed us how you can make a smiley face in the sauce.
Keslee getting ready to throw her dough
Nate and his daddy
The fridge is cooooooolllllllldddddd!Kenzington and Kaylee
M-T-Th class
Paige and Mayley
M-W-F class
Mack and Carlos
Aj and Whitney
Emily making her crust.
Chason tossing the dough
Alexa and Brylee
Presley and Genesis

Ethan and his mommy
Miss Cyndie made a super cape and an apron out of dough
Miss Cyndie taught the children how to order a pizza and how the drivers know where to find you.
Whitney Dahl and Lillian Farrer
Brock- Kenzington - Kaylee and Lilian
Miss Cyndie showed us how the drivers keep your pizza warm until they get it to your house.
T-Th class
Miss Cyndie making a huge pizza
Jaron loved making his pizza- he told me he wants to work at Domino's now.
Noah Allen and Lilian Dillon
Kincade and Jaron
Keslee and Serena (Keslee caught the pizza dough)
Whitney Dahl and Lillian Farrer
Girls making pizza. Miss Cyndie told us she can make 3 full pepperoni pizzas in 20 seconds. Domino's is a great field trip. A huge thank you to Cyndie Kirk who gives us amazing field trips every year. Thank you parents for finding sitters so you could enjoy the field trip with your children without distractions. Thanks for helping where needed at the field trip as well. The year is coming to an end soon. Reminders- Please remember to mark calendars the Thurs and Fri the week of Mothers day for our special Mother's day luaus. I do ask again NO SIBLINGS! This is a very special day with you and your little one in preschool.

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