Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What do we do in the winter time?

Rori and Serena- We built our own snowmen in school and had a snowball (cotton ball) fight too! We didn't even get cold!
McKenzie and Keslee
Mayley and Brylee
late last night while you were asleep someone put some springs on your feet. (Joe Scruggs music is great!)
Kaimen and Noah
Lillian and Whitney
Gabe concentrating on his letters.
Serena worked hard!
What number? We played a game what number and how many spots?
Center time! Brock- Easton and Kaimen
Large to small- Justin- Ethan- Gabe- Ellie
We played a fun active game with a ball. We rolled the ball on a color and picked a card. The card told us what we were to do next.
Linking fish together during circle time.
Aunika working on her snowman
We danced to the song "turn around game"
Cameron- Chason- and Alexa
Large to small. Which one goes next?
Circle time
Working together in centers. Mayley, Emily and Bronwynn
Bronwynn- Cameron and Aunika made necklaces.
Mack showing us his necklace.
We made funny faces in a game.
Manipulative's in circle time! Ethan- Nate and Seth
Serena and Keslee
Scarves and hats. Rori- Serena and McKenzie
Presley and Genesis
Justin and Cameron
Ethan show and tell- Helicopter for letter H
Spin and win game. We played and learned colors, numbers and taking turns.
Dinosaur, Dinosaur, Roar!!!! (played like duck, duck goose)
Thinking about what to do.
Mayley moves all the way to #9
Spinning the wheel
We did a dance to "make a friend today"
Bubbles!!!!! So much fun! Everyone loves bubbles

Our t-th class playing dinosaur, dinosaur Roar!

Thank you all for your continual support. Macey's fieldtrip will be posted a in a week. Remember it is Mail Time this month.

1 comment:

The Brindley's said...

I really wish my teaacher did a blog. How cool that the parents can see exactly what their kids are up to at preschool.


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