Monday, December 14, 2009

Thanksgiving pictures

Whitney Dahl making her turkey

Joshua Crump

McKenzie Smith
We learned about the pilgrams and the indians How important their friendship was and to remember all of the things we are thankful for. We learned about Patience, Kindness and Thankfulness.

Dalton Russell

We built our homes, hunted for food and learned how to plant a garden. Then we had a Thanksgiving feast. (dramatic play)

The pilgrams became friends with the indians.

Brooklyn- Delaney -Liberty and Haley

My 3 year old pilgrams

Ellie and her turkey apple.

Ellie and Hazen

Kami and Haley with their turkeys

Dalton Russell

Brooklyn and Sydnee
Liberty Burdine

We played a fun Rhyming game

We had a lot of fun learning about Thanksgiving and the importance of what we have.

1 comment:

Teresa said...

Super cute picts! I always enjoy seeing what the girls are doing in preschool. Thanks for all your hard work.


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