Let's go fishing Britten Hawker Tabor going fishing
Kami caught a big one
Mikey fishing
Hailey catching a pink fish
Crazy hat day we played parachute hat games.
Octopus hot dogs. Did you know Octopus are really smart? Makenna and Brylee
Greenlie and Marah
Crazy hat day! We sure had some silly hats.
Alaina "I am a fish eating my octopus"
Boiled octopus hotdogs
Hannah and Cambrie
A.M. T-Th class
Dalton playing catch the ball with your hat game
Hazen playing hat games
Crazy hats A.M. T-Th class
We amde an Octopus
Evelyn Butler
Funny kids!
Hazen and Hailey silly, silly hats
Brylee- Camille- Jaxon and Brooke
Silliest hat Griffin Slack
M-W-F hat day
Makenna and Brylee are buddies
Delaney-Makaylee-Liberty Crazy hair day!
Crazy hair day P.M. T-Th class
Dress up day! M-W-F class
Grace- Hailey-Hannah
Crazy hair day P.M. class
Silly lobster hats
Crazy hair day!
Baby beluga whales
Marah and her silly hair
Jaxon had cool crazy hair
greenlie and her fun braided hair. We had a fabulous moth of silly hair, hats, and fun! We loved learning about Fish-Oysters-Jelly fish-sharks-lobsters-whales-starfish- and Octopus. We had so much fun with the ocean friends.